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  • 龍澤山 大巖寺|千葉市 470年の歴史をもつ浄土宗のお寺

    龍澤山 Daiganji Temple Chiba Daigan-ji Notice 2023年9月28日 大巖寺開山道誉上人450回大遠忌・浄土宗開宗850年大法要について 2022年12月31日 今年も除夜の鐘法楽が行われます About Daiganji Temple The mountain name of Daiganji Temple is Ryutakuzan, and the temple name is Genchuin. About 470 years ago, at the end of the Muromachi period, in 1551, one of the six parties of the Chiba clan, founded by Mr. This is a historical temple that was founded by Teigaku Shonin as the founder of the temple. It had a deep relationship with Tokugawa Ieyasu, and in March 1617, it became a temple of prayer for the shogunate, and received 100 koku of red seal land.At the same time, it had 24 branch temples, and was one of the 18 Kanto Danrin temples of the Jodo sect. As a famous temple in Shimousa, it has played a role in producing many learned monks. With the end of the Edo shogunate and the Meiji anti-Buddhist movement, there was a time when it was in danger of falling into disrepair, but after World War II, due to the efforts of Kenyo Yoshinobu, the 60th head of Daigan-ji Temple, educational facilities such as Shukutoku University were built within the temple grounds. was established and continues to this day as a modern version of Danrin. 1/5 Annual event January 1st First nenbutsu/first goma 28th Fudoson Festival February 3rd Setsubun party March 17th to 23rd Spring Equinox May 28th Fudoson Festival August 13th to 15th Bon shelf industry 17th       Daisegakikai September 3 days in September Betuji Nenbutsu meeting 21~26      Autumn Equinox 28th Fudoson Festival December 31st New Year's Eve Bell Opening time Weekday holiday 6:30-16:00 New Year's three days 24hours Please stop by Access nearest station Keisei Omoridai Station 19 walk minutes J.R. Soga Station 25 minutes walk

  • 歴史 | 龍澤山 大巖寺

    History of Daiganji Temple More than 470 years history The mountain name of Daigan-ji Temple is Ryutakuzan, and the temple name is Genchu-in. Approximately 470 years ago, in the 20th year of Tenbun (1551, according to one theory, 22nd year of Tenbun) at the end of the Sengoku period, Doyo Teigaku Shonin (1515-1574) ) was founded as Kaizan (first chief priest). At the time of its founding, the great Danna (financial supporters) were Hara Tanei and his wife, the lords of Ikomi Castle, one of the six members of the Chiba clan. Princess Hara, who was suffering from a serious illness that neither medicine nor prayers could help with, was healed by the preaching and nenbutsu of Doyo Shonin, who was on a missionary pilgrimage in the area, and both her husband and wife deeply devoted themselves to the Shonin and remained for a long time. It is said that he donated the temple territory and built a new temple so that he could stay in this area. Doyo Shonin was born in Osaka and became a monk at the age of thirteen. At the age of 17, he entered Danrin Iinuma Kokyoji Temple, continued his studies, and received the Fusatsu Daikai at the age of 32 in the 15th year of Tenbun (1546). The Shonin traveled all over the country and endeavored to spread the word, and in Ikomi Castle. He received the devotion of Hara Tanei and his wife. At the time of the founding of Daigan-ji Temple, Shonin was known to the world as a high-ranking monk who was both scholarly and moral. Many young monks admired Daiganji's virtues, and at its peak there were more than 40 school dormitories. Doyo Teibaku Shonin later became the 9th head of Zojoji Temple, and is a high priest whose name remains in the history of the Jodo sect, including the enactment of the ``Doyo-ryu Denpo.'' Shindaigan-ji Temple (currently Chogen-ji Temple) in Usui is the temple where Doyo Shonin retired. Lord Hara Tanei died in battle while siding with the Hojo clan during Toyotomi Hideyoshi's conquest of Odawara, but Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu, who replaced the Hojo clan as ruler of the Kanto region, revealed that his family's sect was the Jodo sect. As a result, Daigan-ji Temple was protected by the early warning.

  • お問い合わせ | 龍澤山 大巖寺

    inquiry 180 Daiganji-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture 043-261-2917 名前 メールアドレス 電話番号 住所 メッセージ 送信 送信が完了しました。

  • 年中行事 | 龍澤山 大巖寺

    Annual event January 1st First nenbutsu/first goma 28th Fudoson Festival February 3rd Setsubun party March 17th to 23rd Spring Equinox May 28th Fudoson Festival August 13th to 15th Bon shelf industry 17th       Daisegakikai September 3 days in September Betuji Nenbutsu meeting 21~26      Autumn Equinox 28th Fudoson Festival December 31st New Year's Eve Bell


 Ryutakusan Daiganji Temple

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